Call Me Bae Season 2: Call Me Bae is a Hindi-language comedy-drama series created and written by Ishita Moitra. The early reviews of the 8-part series are out and it seems like the show isn’t as groundbreaking as it leads us to believe.
Call Me Bae follows the exploits of Bella, played by Ananya Panday, who comes from a rich family on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to maintain her bougie lifestyle, Bae marries a business tycoon, Agastya (Vihaan Samat). However, the two are incompatible and soon Bae starts dating her gym trainer. When Agastya finds out, their marriage breaks and she loses her money once again. Now, Bae must piece her life back together and become her own independent woman.
Call Me Bae Season 2: What works and doesn’t work?
Mini Mathur as Bella’s no-nonsense bougie mother is dependable and does her job well. Vir Das as an Arnab Goswami parody is at his comical best. Ananya Pandey doesn’t wow with her acting chops. However, she comes across as a ditzy, air-headed South Delhi girl with relative ease.
The writing doesn’t take any risks and seems derivative. We have seen many iterations of Bae and will continue to see her in many more avatars. Building a show on Bae herself was not a good choice. With a character this unlikeable, it is best to focus the story on supporting characters but that wasn’t the case with Call Me Bae.
At the end of the day, the show seems uninventive. Don’t expect to be wowed by the show in any way. The only thing that you can get from this show is maybe style inspirations for your next vacation. For me, the show didn’t have a clear direction or a clear voice. The showmakers made extremely safe choices when it came to the storytelling and that has resulted in a dull show that you won’t be able to sit through.